Welcome to Berean Bible Church’s Awana Club and Eagle Club ministry for children age 3 through 6th grade. Awana stands for “Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed” (II Timothy 2:15). It is our goal to provide a fun atmosphere where each child can learn and memorize Bible truths, grow in a relationship with Jesus Christ, and become a “workman” for Him.
Awana Club has two different age groups of children. Cubbies is for 3- and 4-year-olds. Sparks is for Kindergarten through 2nd-grade boys and girls. Our 3rd through 6th-grade boys and girls are in Eagle Club. Like Awana Club, Eagle Club focuses on scripture memory.
We meet each Wednesday evening from 6:30-8:00 p.m. The night is divided into three parts of about equal length. We have great fun with the “clubbers” in all three parts but GAME TIME is the high energy part of the fun, as you can imagine.
In HANDBOOK TIME, an adult leader meets with a small group of clubbers to help them with the learning activities in their handbook, most of which are scripture memory. Completing handbook sections entitles clubbers to awards. COUNCIL TIME is made up of Bible teaching and award presentations.
Each club meeting has a “theme” that gives a new twist to the fun for that evening, like Crazy Hat Night! Watch the schedule for what to do each night!
We want to have safe fun during club time and afterward too. The darkness and cars coming and going after our meeting increase safety risks at pick up time. Children are under leader supervision beginning at 6:30 p.m. (not before!) and until picked up by parents as described in the attached Special Arrangements information.
We are Glad to Have Your Children Here!
For any questions you have about our clubs, please feel free to call me at 865- 719-3317. Our prayer for an effective ministry to your family.
Tim McKeehan
The church covers much of the expense of the clubs, but not all of it. Families are asked to pay a reasonable amount for their clubber’s vest or t-shirt and for their handbook as shown in this packet.
And we ask each clubber to bring dues of 50 cents each week – OR -- pay for the whole year for $12 at the beginning of the year and save a few bucks!!
We never want money to prevent someone from coming. Scholarships are available for those in need of reduced prices. But for those of you who can pay we appreciate your help keeping the program going financially.
Cubbies/Sparks Vest or Eagle Club T-Shirt - $12.00
Handbook - $12.00
(Cubbies and Sparks handbooks include an audio download.)
Handbook Bag - $7.00
Club Dues - 50 cents / week -or- $12.00 / year
All the Cubbies do the same handbook. Sparks start in the first handbook of their club no matter what grade they are in when they enter the club. All Eagle Club members (3rd – 6th graders) are in the same handbook.
Handbook Awards
Cubbies and Sparks receive awards for completing sections of the handbook. We require that a clubber wear his or her uniform to receive the award. If the clubber does not have their uniform the night of their award, the award will be held for presentation on a night that they are in uniform. In Eagle Club, we give “store shares” for saying the lesson’s memory verse, for saying the review verses from memory, and for doing the weekly take-home activity. Special awards are given for completing major sections of scripture memory.
Leaders will count out loud to 5 (the “5 Count”) to bring the group to order and quiet. The “3 Count” will be used by leaders as a progressive warning to the individually disruptive child. A child is quietly told they have a “1” on the first occurrence of their misbehavior as a warning of being separated from the group, “2” as a second warning, and at “3” the child is removed from the group and taken to a parent or the Director for the rest of the club meeting.
Set a goal with your child according to their abilities. Most clubbers should strive to finish one handbook each club year. Others can do more. Some can’t accomplish as much. We’ve found, however, that with many who don’t finish their handbook, it isn’t from lack of ability, but lack of parental help, encouragement, and working on it more often than just on Wednesdays. We encourage you to set a goal with your child, determine how many sections in the handbook it will take to reach your goal, then divide that number by 30, the approximate number of weeks of the Awana club year. Then, you will know what amount to try to do each week.
Have one place for the child to keep his or her Bible, handbook, and uniform. It helps to have the Bible and handbook in one container such as a book bag. Awana bags may be purchased from us for Cubbies and Sparks.
Set aside a specific time to work on scripture memory. For example, 5-10 minutes at a regular time each day – before school, after school, before bed, after a meal, etc. In other words, attach scripture memory work to an already existing established routine and it will less likely be forgotten. It is especially important to review the memory verses with them on Tuesday or Wednesday before the club meeting.
When your child is having a difficult time memorizing a verse, make up a song using the verse as the words. This method works great with younger AND older clubbers. If you don’t enjoy making up tunes, use the audio downloads for Cubbies and Sparks that come with their handbooks. They have all their verses set to music – they are excellent for bedtime.
Learn the verses with your child, so that you can check each other during the week – perhaps at suppertime or while driving in the car. They love to hear you be challenged by the same things that they are working on! Make scripture memory a family goal.
Keep this information on your bulletin board throughout the club year for quick reference for the calendar, for theme nights, and leader’s telephone numbers.
ABOVE ALL, show interest and be enthusiastic. Your kids won’t think it is important unless you do!
Be a Leader!
We are so thankful for our leaders. BUT, we can always use volunteers to help us out where we are “thin”. Besides becoming an Awana leader there are several other ways you can help as listed below. See any Awana or Eagle Club leader about helping in one of these ways.
Become a listener
This takes only about a half-hour each week and involves listening to the clubbers recite their memory verses and helping the leader with record-keeping for rewards. You will be amazed at their achievements.
Read a Story to 3- and 4-Year-Olds
Read a book or tell a Bible story of your choice of about 5 minutes in length (or less). You’ll never have a more responsive audience.
Bring a Friend
We love visitors and they love to come!
Donate Something to Our Store
As a special incentive to our Eagle Club kids, we give them “shares” for completing their work. We let the clubbers use the shares to buy things from a "store" we set up three times a year. If you can give items of interest to 3rd - 6th-grade kids it will help our budget, and it might make their Christmas shopping a whole lot easier!
Donate Some Money
There is no charge to clubbers for awards and special events, but there is a cost. Your generosity will pay off in these children’s lives.
Other Help
You can help us with special treat nights, transportation, operating the store, running games, donating candy, and many other ways. If you have an idea, we can probably use it!