

About Awana

Awana equips local volunteers in churches around the world with Biblical evangelism and discipleship solutions so that today’s children may become tomorrow’s Christian leaders, in every aspect of society and culture.

  • Reach kids – build lasting faith foundations for children and youth
  • Equip Leaders – prepare to lead with proven resources
  • Change the world – Make a global impact, one disciple at a time

With an unwavering commitment to the gospel, Awana is being used to reach over 4 million kids every week in 120 countries, giving children and youth from every background an opportunity to know, love and serve Jesus for a lifetime. Find out how Awana can serve you in reaching kids in both your local community and around the world for Jesus, for life.

Why Memorize Scripture?

In our rushed society, you may be asking why you should make Awana or Eagle Club a priority in your home. Most families stay busy enough with work, school, music, sports, and so much more. Trying to squeeze in “one more thing” may seem overwhelming.

Take heart! God is able to help you make the right choices for the use of your family’s time and emotional energy. He wants you to be at peace in His provision and grace, even when you have to make a hard choice between good opportunities.

In making your choices, we want you to understand what we are trying to do in our Awana and Eagle Clubs. We are far from perfect, but our goal is to give your child a weekly meeting of fun and loving Christian fellowship and, more importantly, to help you give your child the gift of Scripture memory.

In Deuteronomy 6:4-5, we find what Jesus calls the greatest commandment in Matthew 22:37-38. The next verses, Deuteronomy 6:6-7, go on to say, “These commandments I give you today are to be put upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.” The picture is of frequent review and discussion of the words of Scripture with our children, rehearsing and repeating it. Memorization happens because of repetition, and repetition is what God says we need in order to keep our hearts in tune with Him.

So in making your choices, consider the value of having your child in Awana or Eagle Club each week so that we can help your family with frequent review of Scripture through the handbook assignments. We think you’ll find… it’s worth the effort!

Children’s Ministry Mission Statement

We exist…

  • To be used by God to build a vision of God/Jesus in children to actively shape them into men and women of faith who know God and His glorious attributes and His infinite glory.
  • To keep before the church the vision of what the church needs to be for children and parents so that we are intentionally, passionately, and seriously modeling God as central in absolutely everything in life that they might come to know this as their deep foundation and put their complete trust in His sovereign love for them – that He be the goal, the source and the main character in all of their life.

All of our interactions, instruction, and structuring of programs will keep this as its aim through:

  • The recruiting and training of teachers
  • The design of all children’s programs
  • Formal teaching

“…and you shall teach them diligently” Deut. 6:6 “…faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.” Romans 10:17

The knowledge of God is so wonderful that it produces faith. In fact, it is impossible to embrace in faith what is not first taught to us. We cannot believe what we do not know, because knowledge precedes faith. Children need purposeful, intentional, formal instruction in the word of God. We must strive for an accurate, God-centered, complete, formal curriculum which acquaints young disciples with the whole counsel of God. In essence, children need a theology. They need doctrine. They need to know the Word of God intimately. They cannot be kept from error or superficial faith if they do not know the Word.

We will strive to bring the church and home together as partners in nurturing the faith of our children. A healthy love and fear of God is more easily cultivated in children that have a healthy love for and fear of their parents. The church should equip, support, and encourage parents in their vital role. As a church, we must be very earnest in our efforts to help our people be courageous parents that love God and love His word by providing resources and support that will help parents raise spiritually healthy children. May we be a collective body of wisdom and a network of support and encouragement, especially for children and parents who find themselves in less-than-ideal situations.